We're committed to reducing unemployment and building economic prosperity in North Lawndale -- On Purpose!

Our Workforce Development Sweetened by:

The North Lawndale Employment Network (NLEN) serves under- and unemployed residents of the North Lawndale neighborhood and surrounding communities. Our clients include citizens returning from incarceration and others who face the day-to-day hardships of living without enough income to support themselves and their families.
The North Lawndale community is rich in history and was once a major industrial corridor that was home to Sears, Roebuck, and Co. world headquarters.
Due to the recession, North Lawndale’s unemployment rate rose from an estimated 26% in 2000 to approximately 40% in 2012.
Forty-five percent of North Lawndale households live below the Federal Poverty Level and 57% of adults in North Lawndale have a history with the criminal justice system.
Our programs also attract job seekers from across the city.

3 out of 4
Clients Served
Financial Services and Workshops
Increase monthly income, net worth & FICO score
Transitional Workers Hired.
Since 2008, Sweet Beginnings has hired more than 750 people with criminal records.
The business has received national recognition for its work—and for good reason. Less than 10% of those who have been in the program return to prison within three years

We are proud to be the recipient of the Citi Foundation Progress Maker Award. This award helps us spread the word about our mission and work far and wide.
We’re featured in this fantastic CityLab article on social enterprises who are "building businesses and hope, one person at a time".

We are honored to help the most vulnerable residents gain skills and confidence to support their families and move towards economic prosperity.
Each donation made to NLEN generates returns to society in the form of:
Taxable wages and benefits
Reduced dependence on food assistance, housing subsidies, and other aid programs
Lower rates of recidivism, which means fewer property crimes, as well as reduced trial costs and prison/jail operating costs
Help us continue this important work.
Other Ways To Give
Shop online at any one of 1700+ popular online retailers like eBay, Bed Bath & Beyond, and JC Penney.
You’ll earn cash back, and you can choose to donate a percentage of that cash back to us! Let’s change the world together—one purchase at a time.

Will you be our Valentine? Shop at smile.amazon.com and AmazonSmile donates to North Lawndale Employment Network at no cost to you!
For every qualifying Amazon purchase, Amazon Smile will donate .5% of the price to North Lawndale Employment Network.

Get in Touch!
Want more information on NLEN or our programs? Please feel free to contact us by email, phone, or fill out the form below.
Our Locations
Employment Opportunities
View - FY24 Audit
View - FY22-23 Audit
View - FY21 Audit
Impact Report
View - FY20 and FY21 Impact Report